Monday, December 2, 2019

"2020" Prophetic Message

What is recompense? To make amends for willful, deliberate, evil, wickedness, and wrongdoing done to us in both the Spiritual & Physical realms. With the evil intentions from the sponsors of satan assigned to hijack our souls and keep us in spiritual and financial bondage. Fortunately, we will be COMPENSATED for all the punitive damages. Heaven has kissed the Earth***

Isaiah Chapter 61 will unfold in the life of believers, whom have endured decades of atrocities due to having (un)godly soul-ties attached to them, that was assigned to suck out their life source: in mind, body, soul, and spirit. 2020 is 'CELEBRATING OUT LOUD ' the head of the serpent being crushed in all lifetimes, time zones, and dimensions. (Genesis 3:15)  This HISTORICAL WARFARE VICTORY is  over due for the children of GOD. Therefore; beloved I see: ordained weddings, large feast of celebrations, windfalls of money, jackpot winnings, debt cancellations, deliverance from spiritual and financial bondage's.  I see: people relocating, new homes, new cars, new careers, new mindset, new circle of influence, RAW/love and romance all in the air. I hear: numerical increase, infirmities in the body being blotted out, new emerging kingdom builders & financiers (birthed) from the entertainment & sports industries. I hear: the salvation of many souls are getting free from the cages right now. They will plug into the True Vine (Jesus Christ) and many will hear the voice of the Lord of Lord and King of Kings. Many will be moved to make radical changes in their lives, communities, and country.

Beloved we will be bestowed with a crown of beauty. We will receive our status, joy, laughter, health, fun, finances, resources, and passion back double fold.  We will be compensated (back-pay) double fold; for all the money the canker-worm ate out of our lives and destinies for decades. Jehovah GOD will make a public display of his LOVE & GRACE toward us. This will be a jaw dropping moment of disbelief  for our enemies, WHOM will be a footstool under our feet. The VENGEANCE OF GOD ELOHIM  will continue to manifest in the households of the Pharaoh's targeting us. (Deuteronomy 28:15-68) will swiftly return it back to the sender 100 fold. Until their knees bow and confess, "Jesus is Lord of Lord and King of Kings."  If they do not Repent; the death angel will suddenly locate the owner without notice.

Beloved: Get prepared for the feast, celebration, and all the beauty for ashes. This is our year to REIN! Hallelujah!

And it was so.

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