Sunday, November 8, 2020


Prophetical breakdown on 2+0+2+1 = 5

The HEBREW meaning of the number 2 has multiple significant meanings. However, the main is as follows: Shtayim [f.], shnayim [m.] Divide, difference, oppose, judge, discern, witness, conflict, blessing, abundance, building, couple, dying to self. It is also related to the Hebrew word shanah, meaning change or repeat. Context determines meaning (as with all numbers). Ideally, two should mirror one, as in the “two shall become one flesh.” Thus, making a true “pair” that works together like one’s ears, eyes, nostrils, hands, and

The HEBREW meaning of the number 0 fes (modern Hebrew). Ancient/Biblical Hebrew doesn’t have a representation for number zero. The closest words would be no or nothing. In English, we typically think of zero as nothing, but there is another side to this coin. “No” in Hebrew is “lo”, and is spelled lamed, aleph as pictured to the right. If we reversed these two letters, it would spell “El” or God. Thus, zero indicates what is hidden or unknowable or uncertain. It can represent what is eternal and limitless or something that has great potential, and it also signifies something unquantifiable and uncontainable such as the Mighty Elohim (God).

The HEBREW meaning of the number 1 has multiple significant meanings. However, the main is as follows: Achat [f.], echad [m.] Oneness, Unity, Primacy, First, Beginning. Single and not plural, not subject to multiplicity or division. (1×1=1) One remains one, it does not change. God is One. (Dt. 6:4) There is one body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, one Father. (Eph. 4:4-6)

The HEBREW meaning of the number 5 has multiple significant meanings. However, the main is as follows: Chamesh [f.], chameeshah [m.] Power, strength, alertness (wake-up!), Torah, grace, service, gospel, fruitfulness, going forth, fast movement, anointed, prayers, and protection. The holy anointing oil had five ingredients: four spices mixed with olive oil. (Ex. 30:23-25.) The holy incense also had five ingredients: four spices mixed with salt. (Ex. 30:34-35) We are empowered by the Word (Torah) and the Spirit. All is given by God’s mercy and grace. There are five Books of Torah (Moses/Law), five-fold ministry, David’s 5 smooth stones defeat Goliath, fruit from trees is fit to eat in the fifth year.

Prophetic Message for 2021-Download!  

2 Corinthians 12: 9, 10 

The flesh (male) and rib (female) will divinely connect in courtship and/or marriage to endorse GOD'S ORDAINED LOVE STORY in his will. Intense warfare( spiritual, mental, emotional, daily, and physically),  against these specific LOVE STORIES will be shielded with PHENOMENAL (Defense & Offense) Protective Shields/Warriors in all forms working for team JESUS/ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL HIMSELF. MICHAEL WILL MAINTAIN HIS VICTORIES and locate/hunt down the fallen angels in human form to: (Settle full-scale gross injustice, and gross spiritual violations across the board on our stuff.  While, (BLOTTING OUT WITH HIS BLOOD, purifying, cleansing, restoring, mending, and purging) the INNOCENT SOULS from ID THEFT INTERNATIONALLY), and (false) embedded: karma, seeds, contracts, agreements, mankind covenants/laws,  fraudulent exchanges on birthrights, and death magic saturating our PRECIOUS SOULS/SPIRITS/BODIES and AUTHENTIC BLUE PRINTS/DNA/RNA STRANDS. And it shall come to pass! And GOD saw that it was good! In Yeshua name.

We our encouraged and reminded in Luke 22:20, "Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." Meaning the former things has pass and now he himself is making house calls, balancing scales, and silencing the blood on his face without notice nor warning to the fallen angels in human form temporarily on earth. THE MEAL has already been served. Therefore, we will NOT be the fallen angels last supper. They will feast on themselves in human form with the evil loads of Pharaoh and the iniquities of the Ammorites 7x7x7x7 fold. Without (any) type of form of spiritual protection. The fallen angels will  be publicly humiliated and exposed! Inescapable death, destruction, pestilence, and the 'Rein Of Terror', is their fate. THESE FOLKS our superglued to KARMIC RETRIBUTION until the voice of the blood from the prophets of old and millions of innocent souls on the face of the earth - not resting in peace our silence and satisfied to GOD ELOHIM STANDARDS. And it shall come to pass! And GOD saw that it was good! In Yeshua name. 

Therefore, HEAVENS COURT will show up and out in monumental,  history making, and breaking news waves. RELEASING JUSTICE ON THE FACE OF THE NEW EARTH without any political/judicial opposition NOR religious piety. Due to (divinely) sacred appointed seats, leaders, and officials casting the corruption, and curse out the land/territory of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In the interim, MOTHER NATURE WILL CONTINUE TO UPROOT, RELEASE, and VOMIT UP ALL THAT NO LONGER SERVES HER DIVINE ORIGINAL PURPOSE. In addition, continue people of GOD to be watchful, alert, and awake. As the HARVEST MEAL IS BEING RELEASE OVER THE NEXT FEW YEARS! - TO THE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB! THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! And it shall come to pass! And the GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB saw that it was good! In Yeshua name. 

*Backlash is forbidden in the name and precious blood of the Lamb-Yeshua Kadesh. (Case Closed)  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Prophetess LaVern Coarde

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